With thousands of apps available iPhone and smartphone users, it can be a daunting proposition to find the ones that can actually improve productivity or be in anyway useful and not just a gimmick. Here are a few apps which have been making a splash among business people who are not only interested in being cool, but are mostly trying to stay one step ahead of the next guy.
1. iTerminal: For $25 per month merchants can use their iPads to accept credit card payments no matter where they are located. The app lets users check credit card numbers, giving immediate feedback on whether the charges are approved or declined. (iOS Platform)
2. Freshbooks: This can be a wonderful billing solution for small web-based businesses. Freshbooks lets users send professional-looking invoices after clients pay through PayPal, Authorize.net and a long list of other services. (PC Platform)
3. Abukai: Do you hate to record your expenses into a spreadsheet? Let Abukai do it for you! In three easy steps Abukai will automatically extract all the visible information on the invoice after you take a picture of it, and then will magically put the numbers, names, dates, whatever, into the app’s built-in expense report. Amazing! (iOS, Android, BlackBerry Platforms)
4. mbPointer: This one is probably a bit heavy on the cool side, but we wanted to include it since this app’s coolness factor is pretty high. Do you give Microsoft PowerPoint presentations now and then, or often? Make an impression with mbPointer. This app lets you turn your iPhone into a cool remote control. Just download the app and its sister Windows software. This app can also turn your phone into a mouse if need be. (iOS Platform)
5. TurboScan: Have you ever needed a photocopy machine on the go? This app is essential to any businessman on the go. Users scan the documents they need with their phone and the app turns them into PDF files ready to be emailed. Good heavens! (iOS Platform)
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