There are various fluctuations among the hedge fund industry vis-à-vis trends in their investment. These are often not publicized but we do get some clue as to swings and inclinations via SEC quarterly documentation. Recent SEC 13F forms show the following:
- An increase in S&P 500 of 15 percent in the first quarter; an average return for equity hedge funds of 8% in the first quarter.
- Q1 2019: a drop of net exposure by 4%
- Top 10 positions have an average of 69% in hedge fund holding.
In general, hedge fund favorites included (in alphabetical order) Alibaba Group, Alphabet, Amazon, Celgene, Facebook, Iqvia Holdings, Microsoft and Worldpay. Favorites in short-interest list (in alphabetical order): AT&T, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, Nvidia and Qualcomm.
The health industry (more specifically the biotech branch) is becoming more popular among hedge fund investors while energy, industry and materials is decreasing in its popularity.
Traders have been moving into the crypto sector over the last few years as well. Traditionally this has been the home of those in the retail industry but there has been a definite increase in interest from institutional traders as well.
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