Devon Energy ranked 28 among the best companies to work for in the US, it also ranks quite high among the country’s top-paying firms. The average salary for an engineer on staff at Devon is $178,305, giving it the distinction of ranking 6th among the country’s top-paying firms.
Devon Energy has 2.9 billion barrels of oil in reserve and spent over $6 billion on exploration and development in 2011, making it prepared for just about any glitch in the industry.
Devon is one of the United States’ largest independent producers of oil and natural gas. In 2010 they paid their employees median bonuses of more than $9,000. The firm offers a Super 401(k) program which contributes as much as 22% of the employee’s cash compensation, dependent on the employee’s own contribution and longevity.
About half of the employees at Devon get long-term incentives, including restricted stock. It is clear from the low full-time employment turnover of less than 5% that workers there are happy. An added bonus is that Devon will match one for one employee donations to United Way.
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