Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie gave the keynote speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday night, directing much of his speech at the economic crisis and the Republican vision for the future.
Here is a collection of some of Christie’s most quotable quotes:
• “There’s only one thing missing now. Leadership. It takes leadership that you don’t get from reading a poll. You see, Mr. President, real leaders don’t follow polls. Real leaders change polls.”
• “Now, I know this simple truth and I’m not afraid to say it: Our ideas are right for America and their ideas have failed America.”
• “They believe that the American people don’t want to hear the truth about the extent of our fiscal difficulties and they believe the American people need to be coddled by big government. They believe the American people are content to live the lie with them. They’re wrong.”
• “Their plan: whistle a happy tune while driving us off the fiscal cliff, as long as they are behind the wheel of power when we fall.”
• “We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.”
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