Investing and Global Finance News

Author Archives: Tom Sanderson

EU Economic Outlook: Trevor Williams

Though the loose ends of the debt crisis and economic turmoil throughout Europe have yet to be tied up, some experts believe that the negative take on the situation is the leading cause of slow growth. “This month’s acceleration in confidence about U.K. economic prospects supports our view that concern about the euro-zone debt crisis… Continue Reading

Business Roundtable Sees Economy Picking Up Momentum

According to a quarterly survey conducted by The Business Roundtable, a group of CEO’s of firms whose combined yearly revenues come to more than $6 trillion, there is a perception of improved movement of the economic recovery, including plans of increased hiring. This improved optimism comes despite fears of a continuing recession in Europe. The… Continue Reading

Quote of the Day: Bernanke Sends Mixed Message About Unemployment

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Monday that the Feds’ stimulation of the economy has indeed helped reduce the amount of unemployed in recent months, but warned that because of the size and duration of the problem there could result lasting damage to the US economy as a whole. “Recent improvements are encouraging,” he… Continue Reading

Quote of the Day: New York Fed President William Dudley on Today’s Economy

The Federal Reserve is still debating whether or not to embark on a third phase of quantitative easing, shorthand QE3, said William Dudley New York Fed president, a close confidant of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Dudley believes that the economy’s recovery is still fragile, despite the recent signs of improvement. If not handled properly… Continue Reading

Focus on Companies: Bolthouse Farms

Bolthouse Farms, producer of vegetable juices, is owned by a Chicago-based buyout firm, Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC. According to three individuals privy to knowledge on the issue, it appears that Madison Dearborn is at the moment considering either a sale of Bolthouse, or going public with an initial public offering. Madison Dearborn has owned Bolthouse… Continue Reading

Best Business Start-Ups Now

Thinking about getting involved in a new business venture? Here are a few which are perfect for today’s current events, whether you are trying to beat the dragging economy or flow with what’s popular, consider the following as a great way to get into business. 1.    Selling Candy- Even during difficult economic times candy is… Continue Reading