Investing and Global Finance News

Author Archives: Tom Sanderson

Quote of the Day: Blanche Lincoln Asks Obama to Rethink Rhetoric

Former U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, Democrat of Arkansas says she shares a deep concern for the welfare of the middle class with President Obama. But she asks the President to tone down his rhetoric which has sounded lately like he is against small business. “The president suggested earlier this month that government plays a bigger… Continue Reading

Apple Disappoints Investors as Stock Falls Short of Expectations

The manufacturer of iPhones and Mac computers, Apple Inc dismayed Wall Street investors on Tuesday when shares in the exceedingly stable and world’s leading technology company fell over 5 percent of their value, the second quarterly fall in under one year. The disheartening results show that even the usually rock-solid Apple brand is becoming vulnerable… Continue Reading

Women in Tech: Marissa Mayer

The tech world is progressively becoming one of the most important sectors in today’s business world. Though there is no obvious reason, women have been relatively slow about breaking into the market. Marissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo!, recently spoke up about being a (fashion-loving, six-months-pregnant) woman in the tech industry. “There’s all kinds… Continue Reading

Focus on Companies: Patagonia- Where Less is More

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard says, “Every time we’ve made a decision to do the right thing it ended up being good business.” In 2011 Patagonia posted $500 million in sales. The Ventura, California-based outdoor apparel company has grown close to 30% for the past two years running while simultaneously setting the highest possible standards for… Continue Reading

Best Start-Ups for Under $3000

Would you like to start a business but don’t have much money to risk at something new? Here are some inexpensive ways to become an entrepreneur which could lead to a well-established and profitable business venture. 1.    Pooper Scooper: Yes, people love their pets, but they don’t always love taking care of them, especially when… Continue Reading

8 Quotes on (Social Media) Crisis Management

The past few years have seen their fair share of crises, as global economies grapples with the ongoing Eurozone debt, inflation and recession. Crisis management has become an invaluable skill, especially for crises based in social media, and there is much to be learned from those with experience in the field. Here are eight crisis… Continue Reading

Former Greek Finance Minister Warns Harsh Cuts are Holding Back Economic Recovery

Former Greek finance minister and head of the Socialist party Evangelos Venizelos said on Tuesday that it will be “almost impossible” for Greece to cut back spending by €11.5 billion ($14.1 billion) over the coming two years, the amount its rescue creditors demanded as part of the bailout deal. Venizelos made his statement in a… Continue Reading

Obama Takes Heat for His Comments Bashing Individualism

Like fresh meat thrown to a pack of wolves, Obama’s comments about the relationship between government and business has inspired prominent business organizations, conservatives and the Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, to react in the strongest way to Obama’s remarks. Obama was speaking in Roanoke, Virginia to a group of supporters when he stated… Continue Reading