Investing and Global Finance News

Author Archives: Tom Sanderson

New Asian Hedge Funds

While the beginning of 2017 did not look all that good for the emergence of new hedge funds in Asia, the tables seem to be substantially turning.  One of the ways in which they are doing this according to a recent Bloomberg article, is by “striking out on their own.” Examples of this action include:… Continue Reading

Top Performing Businesses

Three recent top performing businesses nationwide that will be reviewed in this article include: Newmont Mining Corporation, the Commercial Bank of California and Immunovaccine. The Sustainability Yearbook 2018  (published by RobecoSAM) recently recognized the Newmont Mining Corporation for top level performance in the mining sector.  This is the fourth consecutive year the corporation has been… Continue Reading

Global Investments

There has been a steady increase in investments Singapore has made around the world over the last few years.  For example, while the figure in 2011 was $9 billion, by 2017 that had reached $19 billion. America has not been the only region that has become attractive to Singapore although it is the area that… Continue Reading

Valaida W. Randolph’s Education Management Corporation

In 1989, Valaida W. Randolph’s established the Education Management Corporation in order to: “provide quality individuals to the workplace who are creative, responsible problem-solvers and have the skills and attitudes on which employers can build.” As such, the organization hires “dedicated, committed, professional staff [to] serve as positive role models and empower each individual placed… Continue Reading

Andrew Winakor: Elderly Individuals and Medical Appointment Transportation

As Chief Executive Officer at National MedTrans Network, Inc., Andrew Winakor’s company has – over the last few years – been working on assisting people encountering logistical difficulties with getting to doctor’s appointments.  The issue is that often people who have medical appointments far from home, simply do not have the means to get there. … Continue Reading

Global Economy: Soundbites

According to recent notifications from the IMF, 3.9 percent of growth is anticipated for 2018 and further increase next year, putting the numbers at the “quickest expansion since 2011.”  At least half of this escalation is due to changes that were approved at the end of last year to America’s tax code.    This US economy… Continue Reading