Investing and Global Finance News

Author Archives: Tom Sanderson

New York Couple Buys New York Streets

Corey and Tamara Galloway of Brooklyn always dreamt of owning a professional New York sports team. In February 2020, during National Black History Month, the couple made that dream a reality. And they also made history when they became the first African American couple to own a NY team, National Arena League’s New York Streets. Last… Continue Reading

LendIt Fintech Announces Year-Long Mentor Program for NYC-Area Women

LendIt Fintech and NYC Fintech Women launched its inaugural year-long Mentor Program for tri-state area women. The collaborative program is designed to assist, advance, and aid aspiring fintech women as they grow professionally. LendIt Fintech is committed to supporting and facilitating diversity in fintech while creating opportunities for the global community. Mentors, who must be in a senior… Continue Reading

Architectural Design Tools

Since there are so many design tools out there – and increasingly more software programs for architects – navigating which one works best for your needs can be a challenge. Here, we bring some of retired architect Moshe Victor Keinig’s top picks for 2020. For those who are just looking for a booster as it… Continue Reading

Female Small Business Owners More Optimistic

2020 is looking promising for female small business owners. According to a newly released Bank of America Small Business Owner Report Survey for 2019, 84% of women small business owners expect year-over-year growth. The data also suggests that more women small business owners than men: Have plans for expansion (73% v 66%) Expect revenue to increase… Continue Reading

Smarthome Showroom

Automation technologies are taking over almost every aspect of our lives. We have apps for almost everything and want the capacity to control much of our systems and platforms from our handheld devices. Leading New York City electronics integrator Sakab Designs recently opened a multi-floor technology center in New York City that allows visitors to experience the… Continue Reading

New York City’s Got Milk

New York City makeup brand, Milk Makeup is moving into its own location: 586 Broadway. Once sold only in Sephora shops, Urban Outfitters, Birchbox and online, now Milk Makeup’s 100% vegan, cruelty-free and paraben-free products will be available in the brand’s flagship store. Created by Milk Studios, Milk Makeup creates original, healthy products that redesign… Continue Reading

Foam Food Containers: A Thing of New York’s Past

New York City has taken a big step toward environmental protection by banning foam food containers and packing peanuts. Now the city’s take-outs, delis, food trucks, and eateries have changed to paperboard or bamboo plates, cups, and take-home boxes. This earth-friendly move follows on the heels of a New York statewide ban on most types… Continue Reading

Tracking Renewable Energy Sources In NYC

New York City is always looking for new ways to reduce carbon emissions from communities and facilities. Tapping the often-ignored geothermal energy from the ground is now an option with a new screening tool. Now being built to test this technology for all New York City properties, the city will begin utilizing the free resource… Continue Reading

Using Tech to Breath Better

Residents in the tri-state area can take a deep- and clean(er)- breath in the coming year. OpenAQ is making sure of that! The open-source platform gathers air quality data from governments and international organizations in one site; it is all free and accessible to everyone. It is also cultivating a community of activists, scientists, and… Continue Reading