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Obama Takes Heat for His Comments Bashing Individualism

David Chavern CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce

Like fresh meat thrown to a pack of wolves, Obama’s comments about the relationship between government and business has inspired prominent business organizations, conservatives and the Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, to react in the strongest way to Obama’s remarks.

Obama was speaking in Roanoke, Virginia to a group of supporters when he stated that successful businesses owe much to the help they received from the government, implying that it is only fair that they pay more taxes. Obama stated that "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

David Chavern, executive vice president and chief operation officer of the US Chamber of Commerce strongly disagreed with Obama’s making light of the astounding achievements of many remarkable individuals.

"We should applaud the risk-takers and the dreamers who are willing to stand out from the crowd," Chavern said in a Chamber blog. "Rather than denigrate what these people have done, we need to encourage more people to be like them."

The National Federation of Independent Business stated that the president’s "unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs."

"I'm sure every small-business owner who took a second mortgage on their home, maxed out their credit cards or borrowed money from their own retirement savings to start their business disagrees strongly with President Obama's claim. They know that hard work does matter," added the NFIB.

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